• Intro Text: This study by PERI researchers Robert Pollin, Jeannette Wicks-Lim, Shouvik Chakraborty and Tyler Hansen advances a transformative investment program in energy efficiency and renewable energy supply, which can reduce Colorado’s CO2 emissions by 50 percent as of 2030 and 90 percent as of 2050. Fossil fuel consumption will need to fall as clean energy substitutes expand. Clean energy investments will generate about 100,000 jobs per year, while about 700 jobs per year will be lost in the fossil fuel related industries. The study proposes a Just Transition program for workers impacted by the fossil fuel contraction and broader measures to support the investment project.  
  • Type of publication: Research Report
  • Research or In The Media: Research
  • Research Area: Environmental and Energy Economics
  • Publication Date: 2019-04-13
  • View pdf
  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Robert Pollin
    • Add Authors: Jeannette Wicks-Lim
    • Add Authors: Shouvik Chakraborty
    • Add Authors: Tyler Hansen
  • Show in Front Page Modules: Yes
A Green Growth Program for Colorado

>> Link for all PERI state-level green economy transitiion programs


This study examines the prospects for a transformative green growth program for Colorado. The centerpiece of the program is clean energy investments—i.e. investments to raise energy efficiency levels and expand the supply of clean renewable energy sources. These investments should be undertaken in combination by the public and private sectors throughout the state. This program can advance two fundamental goals: 1) promoting global climate stabilization by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Colorado without increasing emissions outside of the state; and 2) expanding good job opportunities throughout the state while the state’s economy continues to grow. The program is specifically designed to reduce Colorado’s CO2 emissions by 50 percent as of 2030 and by 90 percent as of 2050 relative to the state’s 2005 emissions level while the economy grows at an average annual rate of 2.4 percent. The consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to generate energy will need to fall sharply in Colorado, since CO2 emissions result through the combustion of fossil fuels.

We estimate that total investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy will need to average about $14.5 billion per year between 2021 – 2030, equal to about 3.5 percent of Colorado’s average annual GDP over those years. These investments will generate about 100,000 jobs per year in the state. New job opportunities will be created in a wide range of areas, including construction, sales, management, production, engineering and office support. At the same time, the contraction of the state’s fossil fuel related industries will generate about 700 job losses per year, of which about 600 will be non-managerial jobs. We develop a Just Transition program for workers impacted by the contraction of the state’s fossil fuel industries. The program includes: pension guarantees for retired workers who are covered by employer-financed pensions; retraining to assist displaced workers to obtain the skills needed for a new job and 100 percent wage replacement while training; re-employment for displaced workers through an employment guarantee, with 100 percent wage insurance; and relocation support as needed. We also propose a broader set of policies to meet the state’s emissions reduction goals. These include a carbon tax; strengthening the state’s existing energy efficiency and renewable portfolio standards; strengthening existing procurement programs for clean energy public investments; increasing financial subsidies for clean energy investments; expanding the state’s worker training programs for clean energy employment opportunities; and channeling a disproportionate share of new clean energy investments into communities that will be significantly impacted by the contraction of the state’s fossil fuel related industries.

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