January 01, 2018 | Journal Article
  • Headline: Something Better than a "Better Deal"?
  • Intro Text: According to PERI Co-Director Gerald Epstein's essay in Challenge magazine, the Democrats' response to President Trump's plan to raise wages, called "A Better Deal," contains some valuable proposals. But Epstein finds that, on balance, it is badly inadequate for the task. It has little on health care, poverty, financial regulation, or full-employment policies, and even its infrastructure investment program is skimpy on details.  Epstein also analyzes alternatives offered by the Congressional Progressive Caucus and an offshoot of Bernie Sanders' campaign. He thinks these alternative proposals provide a blueprint, at least in part, for a more robust progressive economic policy program. 
  • Type of publication: Journal Article
  • Research or In The Media: Research
  • Research Area: Labor Markets, Wages & Poverty
  • Publication Date: 2018-01-01
  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Gerald Epstein
  • Show in Front Page Modules: Yes
  • Publisher: CNN
There's Gotta' Be Something Better than "A Better Deal"

>> Read Article in Challenge


The Democrats’ response to President Trump’s plan to raise wages, called “A Better Deal,” contains some valuable proposals. But on balance, this economist writes, it is badly inadequate for the task. It has little on health care, poverty, or full-employment policies, and even its infrastructure investment program is skimpy on details. In general, its policies are weak on finance. He also analyzes alternatives offered by the Congressional Progressive Caucus and an offshoot of Bernie Sanders’s campaign. He thinks these provide a blueprint, at least in part, for a more successful program.

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